Friday, June 17, 2011

"I Wouldn't Hurt You..."

My brothers and I loved watching the Walt Disney classic Swiss Family Robinson when we were growing up. Roughing it in the New Guinea jungle was every young boy's dream. And besides, who couldn't love a movie complete with a giant treehouse and pirates?

Treehouses, tigers and pirates—the recipe for a good movie
We especially enjoyed watching little Francis trap a variety of jungle animals using food and his trademark phrase, "Come here little fella...I wouldn't hurt you." In this way, crafty Francis captured tigers, monkeys, zebras and even a baby elephant. Otherwise able to defend themselves against any harm a little boy could try to inflict upon them, these animals were simply unable to resist a morsel of food and the encouraging whispers of their adversary.

In this same way, Satan entices us to commit sin. He uses our carnal appetites as bait. A morsel of food, no matter how small, is tasty—especially when we're hungry! Many of us don't resist.

Furthermore, Satan tempts us with thoughts like "Everybody's doing it", "Just once won't hurt", "I can repent later", or—like little Francis—"Come here, little fella; I wouldn't hurt you."

"Come here little fella...I wouldn't hurt you."
Once he's lulled us into a false sense of security using our appetites and our own psychology against us, Satan pounces. Like Francis, he uses ropes, pits or even his bare hands to trap us. These physical tools could be likened to devestating sins like drug abuse, viewing pornography and indulging in pride.

Unlike Francis, once he's trapped us, Satan does not let go, and he does not take good care of us. He does anything he can to keep us from finding joy in this life. If he can keep us from living the commandments, he can prevent us from inheriting eternal life, "the greatest of all the gifts of God" (Doctrine and Covenants 14:7).

We can avoid the terrible effects of entrapment by refusing to let Satan win. If you have kept yourself free from unworthy habits, stay that way. If you are caught in an addiction and need help, seek it! LDS Family Services is a great resource.

Always remember that you are stronger than Satan ever will be, so long as you rely on the Savior for help. Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin (1917-2008) taught
Willing obedience provides lasting protection against Satan’s alluring and tantalizing temptations. Jesus is our perfect example of obedience. Learn to do as He did when Satan tempted Him in the wilderness. Even though He was weakened by fasting, His answer was quick and firm: “Get thee behind me, Satan.”
As we keep God's commandments and avoid indulging in the temptation which Satan will surely place in our paths, we will be happy. That is what God wants for us. That is what we can have if we will but do His will.

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