In an increasingly busy world, it's important that we take time to enjoy simple things in life. We should take time to ponder spiritual things. We should take time to pray and read the scriptures. And we ought to take time to listen to uplifting music, marvel at art and architecture, bask in the beauty of nature, and read good literature.
'We are entitled to spend some time with ourselves in introspection.' |
President Gordon B. Hinckley (1910-2008)
Our lives become extremely busy. We run from one thing to another. We wear ourselves out in thoughtless pursuit of goals which are highly ephemeral. We are entitled to spend some time with ourselves in introspection, in development. I remember my dear father when he was about the age that I am now. He lived in a home where there was a rock wall on the grounds. It was a low wall, and when the weather was warm, he would go and sit on his wall. It seemed to me he sat there for hours, thinking, meditating, pondering things that he would say and write, for he was a very gifted speaker and writer. He read much, even into his very old age. He never ceased growing. Life was for him a great adventure in thinking.
We are meant to find joy in our journey, not just the desired destination of eternal life. We are meant to love and live life richly. Happiness comes when we learn to find joy in simple things. As we make learning and serving our priorities, our lives—over time—will become deeply rewarding.
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