Friday, October 7, 2011

Spiritual Crocodiles

We are surrounded on all sides with temptations from Satan. He is both more bold and more cunning than ever before. His temptations are at once both more widely open and more cleverly disguised. He is the father of lies, and he is tragically successful at convincing many to buy into them.

Like a crocodile, Satan lurks everywhere around us
Satan's methods are comparable to crocodilian tactics. Just as a crocodile hides in a water hole where thirsty animals must go to drink, Satan lurks throughout the world we must live and labor in. He is on television and radio. He is in the movies, Internet, newspapers and magazines. He is found in shops and stores, in houses and homes, in schools and offices. Everywhere his influence is blatant, and yet he is masterfully hidden in plain view.

This video I watched often in high school seminary classes (and which I was recently reminded of in a missionary training meeting) illustrates this principle.

As we watch for spiritual crocodiles around us, we would do well to remember this counsel from President Thomas S. Monson, the Lord's prophet on the Earth today—
As we go about living from day to day, it is almost inevitable that our faith will be challenged. We may at times find ourselves surrounded by others and yet standing in the minority or even standing alone concerning what is acceptable and what is not. Do we have the moral courage to stand firm for our beliefs, even if by so doing we must stand alone?
In order for us to be strong and to withstand all the forces pulling us in the wrong direction or all the voices encouraging us to take the wrong path, we must have our own testimony. Whether you are 12 or 112—or anywhere in between—you can know for yourself that the gospel of Jesus Christ is true. Read the Book of Mormon. Ponder its teachings. Ask Heavenly Father if it is true. We have the promise that 'if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.'

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