Don't forget Alaska and Hawaii;
they are also states.
But they're sorta in the wrong region
because they're so, so far away.
They say you can relate anything to the gospel of Jesus Christ. This might be a stretch, but I thought I'd share with you what I've learned as I've thought about this song:
1) You are more likely to remember what you learn at a young age. It's easier to learn and retain information when you're young. That's why I wish I would have learned Spanish in high school. That's why The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints places noted emphasis on families and programs which help children and youth learn gospel principles. Habits, good or bad, learned at a young age are more likely to stick with you throughout your life. It is important to teach children honesty, gratitude, patience, virtue and hard work so they'll continue to develop those attributes when they're older.
2) Don't forget about the outliers. Just as it's easy to forget about Alaska and Hawaii because they're "so, so far away", it's easy to forget about friends and family who are distant to us geographically, spiritually or emotionally. Don't forget about them. Strive to develop good relationships with those you care about or ought to care about before it's too late. There is no time like the present, and there is no promise of time in the future. Write a letter, say "hello", make a phone call, give a gift—and do it today.
3) Music has a powerful influence on our minds. I struggle to remember many of my childhood experiences, but I can almost always remember experiences associated with music. Music—again, good or bad—stays with us. We are blessed when we listen to good music. The Lord makes this promise in Doctrine and Covenants 25:12—
For my soul delighteth in the song of the heart; yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads.
An old saying goes, "Show me a man's friends, and I will show you the man." I propose: "Show me a man's music, and I will show you the man." What we listen to has a profound influence on our character. Let me leave you with one of my favorite songs—
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