Good newspapers adopt the mantra "All the news that's fit to print." This means we don't print material that is inaccurate, uninteresting, or not newsworthy.
But some of our small-town competitors and associates were notorious for adopting a very different slogan: "All the news that fits, we print!" One newspaper even published that slogan on its front page! Newspapers like this are little more than community gossip columns; a potpourri of reader submissions with very little news coverage and an absence of responsible reporting.
If the Book of Mormon were a newspaper, its slogan would surely be a modification of the former; perhaps, "All the doctrine that's fit to print."
The book's primary editor, Mormon, reminds us in several places that the Book of Mormon is an inspired abridgment containing a fulness of the gospel. It is not a tedious, all-inclusive history, and it does not contain uninspired scripture (as does, for example, the Song of Solomon in the Bible). The Lord selected what would and would not be included in the Book of Mormon. Some prophets were commanded to record certain things. Others were forbidden to record certain things.
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Mormon, ancient American prophet and editor of the Book of Mormon |
The end result is a book which does not include a "hundredth part" of the dealings of the Nephite, Lamanite and Jaredite people in Central and South America. That's a lot of editing! Why did Mormon leave so much of his people's history out? Refer to Words of Mormon 1:7—
And I do this for a wise purpose; for thus it whispereth me, according to the workings of the Spirit of the Lord which is in me. And now, I do not know all things; but the Lord knoweth all things which are to come; wherefore, he worketh in me to do according to his will.
Because Mormon was righteous, he was entitled to the constant companionship of the Holy Spirit. And because he listened to the Spirit, he was able to determine what the Lord wanted him to include in and exclude from the Book of Mormon.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints recently published the 150 millionth copy of the Book of Mormon. People throughout the world are blessed by reading this wonderful book. It is clear, concise and complete. It is the greatest tool in our conversion.
Because of a courageous man who listened to the Lord, the Book of Mormon contains only and exactly what is "fit to print." I challenge you to read this inspired text and watch it bless your lives.
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