Tuesday, March 6, 2012

13 - Pain

You probably think I've gone crazy. How can I possibly be grateful for pain?

Pain is one of the thousand beautiful things we all endure. At times our pain can be finely detailed, complicated and almost overwhelming. While I do not willingly seek opportunities to experience pain, I am grateful for what my painful experiences teach me. Pain helps me appreciate the many things about life that are wonderful and beautiful. Pain gives me proper perspective.

I shall ever remember the counsel of a trusted ecclesiastical leader. When I focus on my pain, it is all I can see—just like the pain that fills this box (I've intentionally drawn the word colorless because we can each "fill" our pain with various hues and gradients according to what we experience)—

Not a very inspiring view, is it? When I choose to focus on other things in tandem with my pain, I gain a greater, more colorful perspective—

My pain seems much smaller now that it's coupled with wonderful emotions like joy, love and fun. As I extrapolate this even further by choosing to focus on the positive things in my life, observe how small my pain becomes—

Pretty neat, huh?

To make my long and meandering thoughts short, we can be grateful for pain without seeking it out. We can learn from pain what God intends for us to learn without becoming overwhelmed, discouraged or defeated. We can experience pain without being a pain.

Where Can I Turn for Peace?, Hymns #129
Adversity, President Henry B. Eyring
The Atonement Covers All Pain, Elder Kent F. Richards
"Come unto Me with Full Purpose of Heart, and I Shall Heal You", Elder Patrick Kearon

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