Friday, April 8, 2011

Caution Signs

Some of the street signs we see in Tennessee make me laugh. Case in point: this "Caution: Horses" sign we noticed on Fairview Blvd. the other day. 

Gotta watch out for those horses!
After my initial reaction of amusement, I thought about the parallels caution signs have in our lives, however humorous they may be. I think God provides us with noticeable, well-lit and very descriptive 'caution signs'. Caution signs may come in the form of advice from a trusted family member or friend. They may come in the form of scripture or words from religious leaders.

Most often, I think, caution signs are displayed through our thoughts and feelings—internal warnings, if you will, rather than external advice. God's caution signs warn us of danger ahead. If we heed their warnings, we can avoid negative consequences.

Think about 'caution signs' in your life. How often do you follow them? How do you feel when you do? How do you feel when you don't?

I feel peace and comfort when I follow God's commandments and heed His 'caution signs'. Sometimes that means taking a different route than I had planned, and ofttimes it may be a different route than I'd like to take. But God sees the big picture while I see only a caution sign or two, and so I trust His direction.

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