Wednesday, February 22, 2012

7 - Change

Those who know me well will be surprised to hear me expressing gratitude for a crazy thing like change. Before my mission I did not like change. In fact, I hated it. I hated change so much that I tried to make my life post-high school just as it was during high school. I suppose that's a natural enough reaction for somebody raised in a small town.

Nothing could have prepared me for the many changes I've experienced as a missionary. My faith has grown exponentially. My greatest pains and sorrows, but also my greatest joys and comforts have come as I've walked the winding roads in Fairview, Murfreesboro and Franklin. My devotion to Jesus Christ has become fixed, and nothing except my own bad decisions could stop me from serving Him. I've even gone through a major physical change; I've lost 30 pounds!

I would like to think that these changes have molded me a little more into the man God wants me to become. I would like to think that He is pleased with me—and you—for the many positive and often painful changes we choose to make.

Now, instead of dreading change, I welcome it. Whenever I'm going through a difficult time or become keenly aware that my size 34 slacks no longer fit my size 29 waist, I stop to remind myself how much more I enjoy my life because of change. Like the ocean tides barreling down on the beach, change has renewed and refreshed my soul.

Get On with Our Lives, Elder Steven E. Snow
Progress through Change, Elder Marvin J. Ashton
The Power to Change, President James E. Faust

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